Now for our review...
The Social Network

I don't think I need to tell anyone what this movie is about. The creation of facebook, the creator of facebook and how he gets accused of stealing the idea, and turning on his friends.
This movie has been gettin rave reviews, and high academy acclaim since it hit festivals earlier this year. I remember when I first heard about this, "A movie about facebook" PAAAAAAlease. I laughed and snidely turned my nose. But! This movie is a hit everywhere.
The movie was directed by the highly acclaimed David Fincher (Fight Club, Se7en, Alien 3) and written by the talented Aaron Sorkin (A Few Good Men, The West Wing, Charlie Wilson's War). These guys are the cream of the crop. David Fincher is brilliant with a camera, and a direction and he does what he does best. There is a scene that had my eyes glued to the screen by sheer beauty. Two boats in a Crew match (?), (the whole movie scored by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails which was also amazing)race to the end in amazing fashion. I was blown away, my favorite scene of the whole movie. Ironically enough it had nothing to do with the actual story. Aaron Sorkin's dialoge was so poignant and spot on to that "culture" and "time frame". There are so many great lines that I know will be quoted for the next 10 years.

I don't think I need to tell anyone what this movie is about. The creation of facebook, the creator of facebook and how he gets accused of stealing the idea, and turning on his friends.
This movie has been gettin rave reviews, and high academy acclaim since it hit festivals earlier this year. I remember when I first heard about this, "A movie about facebook" PAAAAAAlease. I laughed and snidely turned my nose. But! This movie is a hit everywhere.
The movie was directed by the highly acclaimed David Fincher (Fight Club, Se7en, Alien 3) and written by the talented Aaron Sorkin (A Few Good Men, The West Wing, Charlie Wilson's War). These guys are the cream of the crop. David Fincher is brilliant with a camera, and a direction and he does what he does best. There is a scene that had my eyes glued to the screen by sheer beauty. Two boats in a Crew match (?), (the whole movie scored by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails which was also amazing)race to the end in amazing fashion. I was blown away, my favorite scene of the whole movie. Ironically enough it had nothing to do with the actual story. Aaron Sorkin's dialoge was so poignant and spot on to that "culture" and "time frame". There are so many great lines that I know will be quoted for the next 10 years.
The acting is top notch, I felt like each character was so real and so easy to watch and understand (the dialogue helped). Jesse Eisenberg (Soliatary Man, Zombieland, Adventureland), who I still think is the poor mans Micheal Cera, did a great job playing Mark Zuckerberg ("founder" of Facebook). Very condescending but only to those who deserve it, kinda of a cold soul, who is only interested in being the next big thing. Justin Timberlake (who I have a man crush on) (The Love Guru, Alpha Dog, Black Snake Moan) played Sean Parker, founder of Napster who loves to be loved, loves to be awesome, loves to be the main event with the spotlight on him, but can't seem to keep it together. He killed this role, phenomenal. My favorite character in the movie. Andrew Garlfield (Red Riding Trilogy, The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus, Never Let Me Go.) plays Zuckerbergs best, and only friend and "co-founder" of Facebook. I thought he had an amazing role, he plays a preppy rich kid, but the one with the morals, the emotions, the one who doesn't hide anything inside because he wants to make sure it's said. I really liked this guy in Imaginarium and now he's the new Spider-Man. I also loved the two Crew rowers, they were so douchey, and so "bro" it was amazing. "I'm 6'4" 250...and there's 2 of me." Great stuff all around.
I however didn't think the movie was as great as it was hyped up to be. This will be a great film over time because it will really take hold with my generation because we lived it. It missed for me in the very beginning. I feel like it tried to rush into the film, and for awhile I was a little lost. Some might not have been lost and found it to be a great start, but I couldn't follow 100%. Maybe on a second viewing.
I however didn't think the movie was as great as it was hyped up to be. This will be a great film over time because it will really take hold with my generation because we lived it. It missed for me in the very beginning. I feel like it tried to rush into the film, and for awhile I was a little lost. Some might not have been lost and found it to be a great start, but I couldn't follow 100%. Maybe on a second viewing.
I feel like the movie strives in its dialogue, and its acting and directing. However, I felt like the movie was very pompous, "This is the facebook movie, so you should know what is already happening" and pretentious in the fact that it was forcing us to accept it in the very beginning without having seen anything. Like, if before the movie was even viewed by anyone, it knew it was going to be amazing.
However a minor feeling I had that may or may not be removed after I watch it a few more times.
So no quiz tonight but I wanted to try something new. Choose the best performance by an actor/actress. First Up
However a minor feeling I had that may or may not be removed after I watch it a few more times.
So no quiz tonight but I wanted to try something new. Choose the best performance by an actor/actress. First Up
Christian Slater

So I didn't know who to pick, and for some reason Christian Slater popped into my head. Maybe thats saying something? Christian has had one of those hit then miss, then sorta hit, then fall off kinda careers. He started off as a young man, gettin his first apperance in the film The Legend of Billie Jean to now being on the "hit???" tv show "The Forgotten". Well he did have one film that for me stands out. True Romance. Written by Quentin Tarantino and Directed by Tony Scott (Days of Thunder, Enemy of the State, Man on Fire). It tells the story of Clearance (Slater) who is sort of a loser/loner who loves comic books, movies, pie, and the simple things in life. He gets set up with a call girl, Alabama (Patricia Arquette) who falls in love with him. Clearance wants her to come with him and get married but not before gettin her stuff from her pimp Drexel (played by Gary Oldman), where Clearance ends up killing him and taking the wrong suitcase, the one filled with about a bagillion pounds of coke.
Christian Slater is so cool in this movie, "You're so cool". He loves movies, and who shouldn't, he loves pie, comic books, and Elvis. He's so laid back until someone messes with his "damsel in distress", he turns into a raged filled modern "knight in shining armor" who won't stand for the mistreatment of women. He has conversations with his idle, The King, to guide him and advise him, and if the King thinks you're cool, you must be. He doesn't use drugs, but he'll sell them to big movie producers, he also loves roller coasters and beautiful blondes with asses that taste like french vanilla ice cream. This is my favorite Christian Slater roll.
Netflix In stant Watch of the Week: Starship Troopers. I'm a sucker for movies so good they are bad, especially if they are sci-fi and have giant alien bugs trying to destroy the earth. Plus Neil Patrick Harris is in this movie, which I swear was his come-back roll after Doogie Howser. Check out this over the top sci-fi romp.

So I didn't know who to pick, and for some reason Christian Slater popped into my head. Maybe thats saying something? Christian has had one of those hit then miss, then sorta hit, then fall off kinda careers. He started off as a young man, gettin his first apperance in the film The Legend of Billie Jean to now being on the "hit???" tv show "The Forgotten". Well he did have one film that for me stands out. True Romance. Written by Quentin Tarantino and Directed by Tony Scott (Days of Thunder, Enemy of the State, Man on Fire). It tells the story of Clearance (Slater) who is sort of a loser/loner who loves comic books, movies, pie, and the simple things in life. He gets set up with a call girl, Alabama (Patricia Arquette) who falls in love with him. Clearance wants her to come with him and get married but not before gettin her stuff from her pimp Drexel (played by Gary Oldman), where Clearance ends up killing him and taking the wrong suitcase, the one filled with about a bagillion pounds of coke.
Christian Slater is so cool in this movie, "You're so cool". He loves movies, and who shouldn't, he loves pie, comic books, and Elvis. He's so laid back until someone messes with his "damsel in distress", he turns into a raged filled modern "knight in shining armor" who won't stand for the mistreatment of women. He has conversations with his idle, The King, to guide him and advise him, and if the King thinks you're cool, you must be. He doesn't use drugs, but he'll sell them to big movie producers, he also loves roller coasters and beautiful blondes with asses that taste like french vanilla ice cream. This is my favorite Christian Slater roll.
What's your favorite Slater roll?
Netflix In stant Watch of the Week: Starship Troopers. I'm a sucker for movies so good they are bad, especially if they are sci-fi and have giant alien bugs trying to destroy the earth. Plus Neil Patrick Harris is in this movie, which I swear was his come-back roll after Doogie Howser. Check out this over the top sci-fi romp.

Netflix DVD of the Week: 12 Angry Men. Filmed in 1957, Awarded the Academy award for, Best Director, Best Picture, and Best Writing adapted from a Screenplay and ranked #88 on the AFI top 100 of all time. The movie tells the story of 12 men partaking in jury duty. In the very beginning everyone seems to know for sure that the plaintiff is guilty. Well they get to talking and we find out more about every single man, and about how we shouldn't take things for face value. The movie is filmed in one room, 2 hours, 12 men. It's unreal how entertaining this movie is for that reason.

Now a little movie news...

Now a little movie news...
The Hangover 2
So, yes, The Hangover will have a sequal. We just recently found out that the movie will for sure take place in Thailand. Which is a great idea, because I've been to Asia, not Thailand, but I've heard some AMAZING stories about that country. Storie that I feel like could make up its own movie, so the idea that the guys who created the first one will have this muse. Very exciting stuff. Some of the plot details have finally come out. Bradley Cooper (Wedding Crashers, The A-team, Wet Hot American Summer), Zack Galifianakis (Bubble Boy,Youth in Revolt, Dinner for Schmucks) and Ed Helms (The Colbert Report, The Office) will all be returning for a fun filled romp into this foreign country. The only thing we know is that Stu is gonna have sex with a Thai Tranny and the guys try to figure out what happened. Well I don't really care how it happens I'm just excited for it. Here's the whole article at
Oscar Buzz
Wanna be part of the Oscar Buzz, but everytime you hear the nominees your like, "What I've never even heard of that one". Well is helping you keep up with the Oscar Buzz. They have their "Mortal Locks", "Likely Contenders", "Still in the Running" and "Outside Chances". They seem to update it every few days, and giving reasons why they think some fall off, or some rise above. They look at the big ones, Best Picutre, Best Director, Best Actor/Actress and Best Supporting Actor/Actress. I def haven't heard of some of the movies and def haven't seen them so don't feel to bad. Here's the full article at
True Grit Trailer
The Cohen Brothers always ALWAYS put out gem movies. Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, O Brother Where Art Though, No Country for Old Men and so on and so forth. There new movie hasn't been seen by anyone who is capable of writing a review, and its still already getting high Oscar Buzz. Here's the trailer at and have your mind blown.
Oscar Buzz
Wanna be part of the Oscar Buzz, but everytime you hear the nominees your like, "What I've never even heard of that one". Well is helping you keep up with the Oscar Buzz. They have their "Mortal Locks", "Likely Contenders", "Still in the Running" and "Outside Chances". They seem to update it every few days, and giving reasons why they think some fall off, or some rise above. They look at the big ones, Best Picutre, Best Director, Best Actor/Actress and Best Supporting Actor/Actress. I def haven't heard of some of the movies and def haven't seen them so don't feel to bad. Here's the full article at
True Grit Trailer
The Cohen Brothers always ALWAYS put out gem movies. Raising Arizona, Miller's Crossing, Fargo, The Big Lebowski, O Brother Where Art Though, No Country for Old Men and so on and so forth. There new movie hasn't been seen by anyone who is capable of writing a review, and its still already getting high Oscar Buzz. Here's the trailer at and have your mind blown.
Thanks again to all the beloved movie followers.
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