Here's a previous comment I got from my last post
"So speaking of Cormac McCarthy, I recently read No Country for Old Men for a graduate course which then prompted me to watch the movie. I thought it was an excellent adaptation of McCarthy's novel but now here is my question to you. Do you think it is unfair to judge a movie based upon pre-existing expectations as a reader? So many times I will finish a movie and think wow the book was so much better. However, I've been the audience member who never read the book, yet really enjoyed the movie. Could our biased expectations be the culprits to a failure to appreciate the film version?"
Well my faithful reader...I think it is unfair and fair to judge a movie based upon pre-existing expectations by a reader...but the reason that movie is a movie is because of the book or pre-existing property. SO??? I sometimes think that If it wasn't for a novel, or an existing property I might not see a movie and vice versa. We gotta understand that there is no way shape or form that an entire book will fit into a movie slot, which is why a lot of people come out of movies saying "Oh the book was better" Not that you are a bad person for thinking that. I think its unfair to not like a movie because the book was better, you should still look at the movie as a somewhat separate entity. I feel like your gettin a different story or a story that is sort of an extension of the book. You are supplied with familiar characters, settings, plot parts and themes but you are never gonna get that same feeling from the separate medium. Sometimes reading something is just meant to be read (from what I heard and researched, The Road), not saying that sometimes that doesn't switch, e.g. Lord of the Rings. So people try to taking something away from the movie that they got from the book. I guess what I'm saying is that I think its impossible to go in without pre-exisiting expectations if you have read or even know something about a certain property. Just know that your not going to get 100% of the book. Which is why I loved Watchmen, because it wasn't the exact story but stayed very true. However some people who haven't read it also thought it was long and dumb, so there's a counterpoint. I never heard the vice versa, though, that someone enjoyed the movie more then the book, if you have let me know? Some fans might like movies of books they read more because they can fill in the aforementioned % I mentioned earlier. Feel free to disagree or counterpoint the shit outa me!.
REVIEW!!!!...........................nope not this time, for some reason its taking Netflix a long time to deliver my next film. So do not fret, my pets, it will be coming soon.
Also in lack of a movie review I wanted to do a top 4 list
Top 4 Scenes from a Movie that Always Makes Me Laugh 'Til the Tears Start Rollin!
I laugh out loud to a lot of parts, but every time I see these specific scenes I'm in tears
4) Tommy Boy - "we-o we-o we-o Here comes the meat wagon"
The simplicity of Chris Farley (being heavy) trying to sell tires and using little car models as examples is hilarious. You got the guy on the other side of the table looking at him like he's a whack-ado, as is David Spade. "I gotta go to the bathroom, daddy! NOT NOW DAMNIT, Truck tire....OH MY GOD I CAN'T STOP!" The words, the impressions, the lighter, pee in my pants.

3) Old School - "And finally, why is the other end of this string tied securely to your penis?
I remember when this movie came out I was a little late in seeing it, and when I did I was with about 3 buddies, and there was probably 15-20 people in the movie theater. The scene in question, when the guys are standing at the top of a balcony, holding a cinder blocks in their hands, with a rope attached to it, which is tied securely to their penis's. That's a perfect set up for something bad to happen, we got the phrase YOU'RE MY BOY BLUE. But when that big fat motherfucker's cinder block fell through that manhole, and went screaming to his doom, I absolutely lost it. I was laughing so hard (and still do when I see it) that I still don't know what happens about 2-3 mins after that scene.

2) The Hangover - "OOO IN THE FACE!"
It might be because this movie is still a bit novel but it gave us a lot of great stuff, mainly everything that happens to Zack Galifi...well u know. (There are other bits that are funny as well) When the guys get lined up to get tazed by a bunch of kids, hilarity better ensue. We have a mean stare down from the "big fella" that shows there is no fear, he points and tzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Galifinakis's face makes me tear up every time, followed by IN THE FACE, and all the kids screaming. "Sometimes with the big boys you gotta get em twice." I hope if I get tazed in the face it's that funny, but then again I don't look like "fat jesus"

1) Bruce Almighty - "And my tiny little nipples went to France"
Something about the scene when Jim Carrey makes Steve Carrell say and do all those ridiculous thing always, ALWAYS makes me laugh till I cry, cringe, pee, fart, and gasp for air all at the same time. Something about the synchronization of what Jim is doing and the way Steve Carrell is imiatting it. The noises, the physical reactions, the facial expressions everything! I'll dare anyone not to laugh at that. If you don't you have no funny bone
If anyone wants to add a few, or make their own list I encourage it.
Netflix Instant Watch of the week: OldBoy. This movie is in Korean with english subtitles. If I had to make a list of my favorite movies this would have to be #2. It's about a Korean man who is taken hostage but an unknown entity, then gets away, then seeks revenge. This movie has one of the greatest tracking scenes in a movie. Not for the faint of heart because your jaw will drop at the end. Here's the link to the trailer on

Netflix DVD of the week: Annie Hall. Voted #4 funniest movie of all time on AFI's top 100 lists. It's really a comedy with a love story thrown in. Guys will love the comedy (if your into dry comedy and jokes about jews, cause Woody Allen is in fact a jew) and girls will love the story, and if your a fan of NY city, that's where its set. Here is the trailer on

Remember if you happen to watch any of these movies tell us what you think!
A Little Movie News:
The Colonial Theatre
For those of you reading from the Phoenixville area I highly advise you to check out This has been one of my safe havens for the past few months as they are showing some of the best documentaries, and foreign and indie films you won't see at the regular cinema. AND IT'S ONLY 8 DOLLARS AND THEY GOT AIR CONDITIONING!!!!!! This week they are showing "Exit through the Gift Shop" which is getting rave reviews. It's about a filmmaker who finds world renown graffiti artists especially one called Banksy, who, no one has ever seen his face. Here's some info on it compliments of IMDB
Beauty and Beast in 3d?
Remember if anyone has any comments or thoughts or ideas, or anything please feel free to comment below, you don't have to a be a member. Also if your having troubles with viewing the blog due to color contrasts let me know so I can fix it.
I have been advocating for 3d, but only if it's done right. Avatar, How to Train Your Dragon=good 3d, Toy Story 3=unneeded, Clash of the Titans=terrible. Footage of a converted Beauty and the Beast is actually gettin some ok reviews. It's also being planned for an opening on Valentines day 2011, my favorite holiday of all time (sarcasm, yea). Also in talks is maybe a Lion King 3d, can little kids handle Mufasa dying again, in 3d...can I handle that? The rest of the article at
Nathen Fillion talking aboout Epic Hero's
I loved Firefly, and I loved Serenity mainly because of Nathen Fillion. Someone who's charm and charisma and badassness shines off the tv/silver screen. He's more or less a genre type hero but I love the guy. Here he is talking about what makes an epic hero at
Remember if anyone has any comments or thoughts or ideas, or anything please feel free to comment below, you don't have to a be a member. Also if your having troubles with viewing the blog due to color contrasts let me know so I can fix it.
Thanks for the support
the link to Fillion's interview is a repeat of beauty and the beast!
ReplyDeleteGreat movies for fav funny scenes, but I'd have to go with "Fat Guy in a Little Coat" from Tommy Boy, Will Ferrell's streaking scene from Old School (though "You're my boy, Blue!" was the best line), and from The Hangover either Ed Helms' song on the piano ("...but if he's been murdered by crystal meth tweakers, then we're shit out of luck") or Galifianakis' idiotic song when they think they've found Doug ("...Oh we're the three best friends that anybody could have..."). Actually, pretty much all of Galifianakis' lines were hilarious ("HEY WATCH IT -- there are Skittles in there!!!") Also loved Rob Riggle's "NOT UP IN HERE!" [BTW, can anyone explain to me -- based on anything in the film, including the "lost" photos shown during the closing credits -- why they had chickens in their hotel room the next day?]
ReplyDeleteCan't say I fully agree with your #1. Think I'd have to go with the "Stay away from the cans!" scene from The Jerk. Maybe I'm showing my age, but I'll always think Steve Martin was the best ever.
Oh, and it's not that often that a female comedic actress really makes me laugh (sorry, but it's true), but I have to say I LOVED Anna Farris in The House Bunny. That movie was much funnier than I thought it would be, and all because of her (though Emma Stone is also pretty funny in it, especially when she's being her nerdiest).
ReplyDeleteIf anyone takes offense at my knock against female comedians, I'd love to hear what you think were some really funny roles by women in recent years. I just don't think there have been many. And don't get me wrong -- I love Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, but I don't think any of their movie roles have been particularly hilarious. They're no Will Ferrells.
On the issue of movies vs. books... Read Dan Brown's books because the movies just don't do the books justice. The DaVinci Code movie was just flat out bad and Angels & Demons was a let-down too. Can't wait to see how they disappoint me with The Lost Symbol.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Jack, love the new color scheme! Much easier to read! As you continue to fine tune the site's mechanics, you might want to consider allowing comments after each separate post or feature rather than all in one place at the end. Just a thought. (Feel free to delete this message after you read it)
ReplyDeleteThat's exactly why I don't read, it ruins the movie. No director can compete with your imagination and turn a 300 page novel into a 2 hour movie and not leave out critical parts. If you want the movie to not leave ANYTHING out, be prepared to sit through a 6 hour movie.
ReplyDeleteB I fixed the link, and Sam it wouldn't be a wild night if they didn't have chickens in the film...Man that whole steve carell/jim carrey scene is a riot, I really never laughed harder when I first saw that scene and even on my 100th viewing it still has me keeled over.
ReplyDeleteThe House Bunny was to stupid for me...anna farris is really funny, but I didn't think she was in that role, the only really funny thing I remember was when she had her foot stepped on "AHHH BITCH SUCK!" but I agree, I'm not blown away by many female comedians/comedic actors.
Oh come one -- when she stands over the grate trying to do the Marilyn Monroe thing but gets scalded and jumps off it screaming "OHH FUCK THAT'S HOT!!!" Then that whole 2nd date scene where she's trying to play smart and ends up falling over a table and getting her hair stuck in gum under another table?! Seriously hilarious.
ReplyDeletePlus, throughout the whole movie she plays the perfect combination of total moron and weirdly wise social guru. Not many actors or actresses could've walked that fine line so well.
I know we talked about this sam...when you watched Juno...which I found a mediocre movie...did u find Ellen Paige funny or more charming? and would you put her in the category as say Anna Farris or like Tina Fey...because so many girls love her...and I don't find her amusing...I liked her in a movie called Hard Candy...but she played this sadistic 12 year old out for revenge