EXIT Through the Gift Shop

The movie is overall very entertaining, watching this eccentric guy running around with a camera filming his family/friends, accidentally running into celebrities and also street artists. There's a special charm that this movie has for the first 2/3 of the movie until you get into what's really going on. Thierry is a likable guy, I was routing for him the whole time, regardless of the fact he sort of neglected his family and his work, but he was doing what he loved. The 2/3 is a great, charming, funny, and overall entertaining documentary about Thierry and these amazing artists. We watch as these creators of urban spledor show us there work and how they go about getting it done. We listen to them talk about Thierry which is hilarious because its all so true. Clumsy, absent minded, genuine, caring, generous, persistent. We watch as Banksy becomes the first ever "street" artist to hold a gallery viewing of his work (as apposed to just having it on the streets). Then there's a very subtle twist to the film. Banksy tells Thierry to go out and try his hand at it. We see this kind of transformation, sure I was routing for Thierry when he started but his work started becoming eerily similar to some of the people he emulated. Even putting some art in the same locations, even going as far as covering some up other artists work. Slowly I started to disliking Thierry, now self proclaiming himself "Mr. Brainwash". He is now pretty much riping-off, even if he wasn't really trying to, but did rip-off those he used to emulate. Taking what he thought was art, and hyping it and inflating it; people were eating it up. What once was an amazing unique art was now, wrapped up, used, abused, and sold for over a million dollars. The artists once praising Thierry for his innocence and genuine curiosity are now subtly showing/telling us that he's a scum bag who just took something beautiful and destroyed it because of a dollar sign. Overall the movie was entertaining, really funny and charming in parts, but the twist at the end I wasn't expecting. It was short but sweet, and it really left me thinking. Here is some of the artist's Bansky's work

This leads me to some thoughts I had in general:
Repeat Offenders, hate em.
All mediums of entertainment or art is crap. Pop art, music, film, everything. Is there no original idea's out there anymore. Take Banksy, he did, in essence, start the rise of this sub-culture of graffiti called street art, but he made it his own. He worked at it, he put the time in, the struggle. Other people took part in this "street" art but from what I saw people had their own goings on about how they would leave their mark. Then all of a sudden Banksy gets rich, but as we find out in the movie he wasn't doing it for the money, he as doing it for the message. Not everyone works this way. Thierry took about a year to become what he had became. Now, this market got saturated with people biting off each other, chewing up others work and twisting it just a little, why, to be different, no. To make money. Banks was genuinely upset about this transformation that this art that he loved took, and it pretty much started with him. "I used to encourage everyone I knew to make art; I don't do that so much anymore. " says Bansky in the film, and shit I don't blame him. I hate pop art as it is, a lot of Thierrys work looked like an even more stupid Andy Warhol. I hate those magazine about celebs, and the new gossip. makes me sick
Music, who makes decent music, all you hear on the radio is rappers or singers with auto-tune with someone else's original sound or beat just "mixed up" or sampled.
And would I dare say it...yes film. I feel like some movies I see these days people put together because the marketers found there was a sample of people that would love something crappy. I blame pop culture for all the repeat type movies we've seen. Paul Blart/Serve and Report, now by no means a similar movie, accept the fact they are mall cops. The Losers/The A-team, The Prestiege, The Illusionist (which are great movies). As much as I love certain marvel movies, but some were garbage because they knew they could make a dollar off of the property coughthefinalfourcough.
Pop Culture sucks and I can't say myself I'm not poisoned by it because they only way you couldn't be is if you lived in a barn with out electricity or contacts to humans.
...and those were my ramblings.
Netflix Instant Watch of the Week: Last week Caddy Shack turned 30, and isn't it a shame that some people have NEVER seen this movie...people if you wanna laugh, make sure you see this movie. Remember if you see the movie let us know.

Netflix DVD of the Week: Here is another one of my favorite movies. At first I was so skeptical about this movie and if I would even like it one bit. Turns out its one of my favorite movies, definitely top 5. Casablanca. I was scared to see this movie as it is in high esteem in the film world, and who was I to say it was bad. Plus it's old (1942) and in black and white. It will steal your heart and Humphrey Bogart is the all time ultimate bad ass.

**May contain Spoilers**
Exit through the gift shop is a documentary about a guy named Thierry (pronounced terry) who is a French immigrant who lives in LA and was compelled to always have a video camera with him at all times. At some point it gets him in with a "street" /graffiti artist. As he meets one artist he starts to meet many and accidentally starts documenting the rise of "street" art. He runs into one guy in particular named Banksy, a well known English "street" artist which no one has ever seen his face (accept close friends, they blank it out for the movie). Eventually Bansky turns the camera around and tells Thierry to try his hand at art and he gets wild.The movie is overall very entertaining, watching this eccentric guy running around with a camera filming his family/friends, accidentally running into celebrities and also street artists. There's a special charm that this movie has for the first 2/3 of the movie until you get into what's really going on. Thierry is a likable guy, I was routing for him the whole time, regardless of the fact he sort of neglected his family and his work, but he was doing what he loved. The 2/3 is a great, charming, funny, and overall entertaining documentary about Thierry and these amazing artists. We watch as these creators of urban spledor show us there work and how they go about getting it done. We listen to them talk about Thierry which is hilarious because its all so true. Clumsy, absent minded, genuine, caring, generous, persistent. We watch as Banksy becomes the first ever "street" artist to hold a gallery viewing of his work (as apposed to just having it on the streets). Then there's a very subtle twist to the film. Banksy tells Thierry to go out and try his hand at it. We see this kind of transformation, sure I was routing for Thierry when he started but his work started becoming eerily similar to some of the people he emulated. Even putting some art in the same locations, even going as far as covering some up other artists work. Slowly I started to disliking Thierry, now self proclaiming himself "Mr. Brainwash". He is now pretty much riping-off, even if he wasn't really trying to, but did rip-off those he used to emulate. Taking what he thought was art, and hyping it and inflating it; people were eating it up. What once was an amazing unique art was now, wrapped up, used, abused, and sold for over a million dollars. The artists once praising Thierry for his innocence and genuine curiosity are now subtly showing/telling us that he's a scum bag who just took something beautiful and destroyed it because of a dollar sign. Overall the movie was entertaining, really funny and charming in parts, but the twist at the end I wasn't expecting. It was short but sweet, and it really left me thinking. Here is some of the artist's Bansky's work

This leads me to some thoughts I had in general:
Repeat Offenders, hate em.
All mediums of entertainment or art is crap. Pop art, music, film, everything. Is there no original idea's out there anymore. Take Banksy, he did, in essence, start the rise of this sub-culture of graffiti called street art, but he made it his own. He worked at it, he put the time in, the struggle. Other people took part in this "street" art but from what I saw people had their own goings on about how they would leave their mark. Then all of a sudden Banksy gets rich, but as we find out in the movie he wasn't doing it for the money, he as doing it for the message. Not everyone works this way. Thierry took about a year to become what he had became. Now, this market got saturated with people biting off each other, chewing up others work and twisting it just a little, why, to be different, no. To make money. Banks was genuinely upset about this transformation that this art that he loved took, and it pretty much started with him. "I used to encourage everyone I knew to make art; I don't do that so much anymore. " says Bansky in the film, and shit I don't blame him. I hate pop art as it is, a lot of Thierrys work looked like an even more stupid Andy Warhol. I hate those magazine about celebs, and the new gossip. makes me sick
Music, who makes decent music, all you hear on the radio is rappers or singers with auto-tune with someone else's original sound or beat just "mixed up" or sampled.
And would I dare say it...yes film. I feel like some movies I see these days people put together because the marketers found there was a sample of people that would love something crappy. I blame pop culture for all the repeat type movies we've seen. Paul Blart/Serve and Report, now by no means a similar movie, accept the fact they are mall cops. The Losers/The A-team, The Prestiege, The Illusionist (which are great movies). As much as I love certain marvel movies, but some were garbage because they knew they could make a dollar off of the property coughthefinalfourcough.
Pop Culture sucks and I can't say myself I'm not poisoned by it because they only way you couldn't be is if you lived in a barn with out electricity or contacts to humans.
...and those were my ramblings.
Netflix Instant Watch of the Week: Last week Caddy Shack turned 30, and isn't it a shame that some people have NEVER seen this movie...people if you wanna laugh, make sure you see this movie. Remember if you see the movie let us know.

Netflix DVD of the Week: Here is another one of my favorite movies. At first I was so skeptical about this movie and if I would even like it one bit. Turns out its one of my favorite movies, definitely top 5. Casablanca. I was scared to see this movie as it is in high esteem in the film world, and who was I to say it was bad. Plus it's old (1942) and in black and white. It will steal your heart and Humphrey Bogart is the all time ultimate bad ass.

Remember if you see, or have seen any of these movies let us
know what you think.
know what you think.
Little bit of news:
The Colonial Theater
Well your's truly finally got a big boy job so now I don't have to worry about money (that much) I finally think I'm going to be taking the first steps I may need to head in the direction I want. Where that is, well I'm not sure, but I know this will start if it off, what did Bilbo say "It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to". I think that pertains. Well I'm going to try to start volunteering at The Colonial Theater and maybe that will open some doors for me. Come visit me (if I get the position).
Live Action Fairly Oddparents...
Going back to some thing I said earlier, man we just can't get an original idea, accept Inception. The Nickelodeon show, The Fairly Oddparents is set to be made into a live action movie starting, so far, Jason Alexander (Cone-Heads, Sienfeld.) and Cheryl Hines (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Goodnight Vagina, haha). Now really? Maybe I should just go into business making kids films like this because there is no way this is gonna be good, even in kids standards. I mean I tend to tune in and watch The Fairly Oddparents, but I want them to stay cartooney and on the tv. The article is at Slashfilm.com where you can see Alexander and Hines with there wigs on http://www.slashfilm.com/2010/08/02/first-look-jason-alexander-and-cheryl-hines-in-makeup-for-nickelodeons-live-action-a-fairly-oddparents-movie/
Miramax Sale is Official; Disney Offloads the Label for $660m
Miramax, responsible for movies like (starting from earliest to latest), The Grifters, The Crying Game, Clerks, The Crow, Kids, Trainspotting, The English Patient, Don't Be a Menace in Southcentral while Drinking Your Juice in the Hood, Chasing Amy, Copland, Goodwill Hunting, Rounders, Shakespeare in Love, Dogma, Bridget Jones's Diary, Chocolate, Amelie, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Full Frontal, Gangs of Newyork, Chicago, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, Deep Blue, The Aviator, Garden State, Hero, Infernal Affairs, Cinderella Man, The Queen, The Lookout, Gone Baby Gone, No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood, City of Men, Doubt, Extract, and everything Tarantino had his hands on.
That list of movies, and Miramax went bankrupt? Well Ron Tutor of Tutor Perini Corp and the investor group Filmyard Holding finally made a bid. It would be sad if we lost something as spectacular as Miramax. Article thanks to Slashfilm.com
Well your's truly finally got a big boy job so now I don't have to worry about money (that much) I finally think I'm going to be taking the first steps I may need to head in the direction I want. Where that is, well I'm not sure, but I know this will start if it off, what did Bilbo say "It's a dangerous business, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to". I think that pertains. Well I'm going to try to start volunteering at The Colonial Theater and maybe that will open some doors for me. Come visit me (if I get the position).
Live Action Fairly Oddparents...
Going back to some thing I said earlier, man we just can't get an original idea, accept Inception. The Nickelodeon show, The Fairly Oddparents is set to be made into a live action movie starting, so far, Jason Alexander (Cone-Heads, Sienfeld.) and Cheryl Hines (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Goodnight Vagina, haha). Now really? Maybe I should just go into business making kids films like this because there is no way this is gonna be good, even in kids standards. I mean I tend to tune in and watch The Fairly Oddparents, but I want them to stay cartooney and on the tv. The article is at Slashfilm.com where you can see Alexander and Hines with there wigs on http://www.slashfilm.com/2010/08/02/first-look-jason-alexander-and-cheryl-hines-in-makeup-for-nickelodeons-live-action-a-fairly-oddparents-movie/
Miramax Sale is Official; Disney Offloads the Label for $660m
Miramax, responsible for movies like (starting from earliest to latest), The Grifters, The Crying Game, Clerks, The Crow, Kids, Trainspotting, The English Patient, Don't Be a Menace in Southcentral while Drinking Your Juice in the Hood, Chasing Amy, Copland, Goodwill Hunting, Rounders, Shakespeare in Love, Dogma, Bridget Jones's Diary, Chocolate, Amelie, Confessions of a Dangerous Mind, Full Frontal, Gangs of Newyork, Chicago, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, Deep Blue, The Aviator, Garden State, Hero, Infernal Affairs, Cinderella Man, The Queen, The Lookout, Gone Baby Gone, No Country for Old Men, There Will Be Blood, City of Men, Doubt, Extract, and everything Tarantino had his hands on.
That list of movies, and Miramax went bankrupt? Well Ron Tutor of Tutor Perini Corp and the investor group Filmyard Holding finally made a bid. It would be sad if we lost something as spectacular as Miramax. Article thanks to Slashfilm.com
Thanks to all the support and remember keep on posting your comments if you read.
@ Miramax Sale: Miramax are responsible for a large numebr of my favourite films and have given the chance for some talented directors to make a mark.....we need film companies like that to stop crap like Catwomen(I saw this for the firt time the other day and almost died inside) or at least provide a balance with decent cinema.
ReplyDeleteI agree man, Miramax was the one who took on Tarantino who u know is my all time favorite. If it wasn't for Miramax, maybe QT wouldn't be around. Plus if you look at a lot of those movies they all have a certain, gritty type of indie-ness to them which I love. They've always had a great sense of choosing films to produce and putting their stamp of approval on them. I just hope when they are under new management they continue to choose greatness! haha and I can't believe u watched catwoman...thats messed up