Get in on the new poll select your favorite Movie psychopath. Looks like the vile, fetid, and dispicable Anton Chigurh is in the lead. I likes.
I'm also going to try to add a few more "quiz" like elements to the page so look out for those...don't cheat cause that is NOT kool.
so for the movie review
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World

So I was not pumped by any means about this movie when it first came out. All I knew was that this was some hippster comic strip garbage that people read and probably wasn't the type of humor I was into. I especially think Michael Cera, playing the same character over and over, has worn out his welcome. So this movie wasn't very high on my gotta pay $12.75 at the movie theatre meter. (I only payed $7.00 though because I had a coupon and got a Regal Card, and $1.00 popcorn)
The movie is about 20 something Scott Pilgrim (said guy who plays the same character over and over again) who is pretty average and lives in Toronto. He's in a pretty average band and has a 17 year old high school "pretend" g/f. He then meets the girl of his dreams, Ramona Flowers (Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Sky High, Final Destination 3, Live Free or Die Hard). Well she's got some baggage and Scott's gotta fight her 7 evil X's, TO THE DEATH!!!!!
Warning, you probably will not like this movie if your not a Nerd, Dork, Geek, Video Game Junkie. I feel that if you aren't in any of these genre's you will go into this movie and think its stupid. Also another warning, I'm in all of these genres so I'm very biased. This movie has a great "new-post-modern"?????? style to it. The style really makes this movie pop, and captivates your senses when the movie lulls. It takes what the comic book/graphic novel had and puts it on screen. It's essentially a live action comic book and the style works for it. The movie is very ADHD centered. There are an abundance of quick cuts that take about 10 hours and put it into about 30 seconds. These moments work for the film because it stays very true to the rest of the style of the film. For the gamers out there...There are so many elements where your jaw will be open and your eyes will be wide, and you'll probably be drooling. Old school game sounds/music, and the fights scenes. OMG the fight scenes (I really didn't mean to use OMG). The fight scenes have use kung fu because kung fu is "epic" (choice vernacular for hippsters). The fight scenes incorporate the "you vs him" element, and the FIGHT! element. They were amazing, mixed with the style of the film and the video game elements made it so fun to watch. The humor is spot on, and a little dry. There is a great scene ragging on vegans, and why shouldn't there be. All in all with low expectations at first, then raised after doing some research and seeing the trailers, I came out with a very fun GEEKfilled time at the movie theatre
I found this great website on-line that has still pictures from movies, but with the people taken out of them and you have to guess the answers. I'm definately gonna put these in here and see if people can get them.
So I got 5 out of 8 with one really good guess, if anyone gets the last 2 without cheating...well shit...your good. GOOD LUCK!!!!
Netflix Instant Watch of the Week: Sin Nombre. Remember if you see any of these movies let us know what you thought. Don't miss out on these great flicks.

Netflix DVD of the Week: The Wild Bunch! Go old school wit this classic film. Remember if you see any of these great films let us know.

Remember if you see, or have seen any of these movies let us
know what you think.
A little movie news..
Another work of Art from Hollywood
Welp....Hollywood has done it again. Set for 2011, a homeland security thriller featuring...yep you guessed it. Joey "wooooooooa" Lawrence (Oliver & Company, Nothing else anyone has ever seen Blossom), and Wesley "kung fu" Snipes (Major League, New Jack City, White Man Can't Jump). Do not restart your computer to re-read this...its the truth. If I could add a sound bite it would be the "bum bum ba bum" from The Price is Right (by the way when are they gonna make a movie 1) about Bob Barker or 2) about the game show) or a fog horn. Read the little blib on
The Black Swan
Its a slow news week so here's a movie trailer for The Black Swan. It's directed by Daren Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream, The Wrestler) starring Natalie Portman (The Professional, Star Wars I-III, The Darjeeling Limited), Mila Kunis (Family Guy, That 70's Show, Max Payne) and Vincent Cassel (Shrek, Oceans Twelve, Eastern Promises) Portman and Kunis play ballerinas and Casell is the director of sorts. From what it seems like Kunis gets the lead over Portman for no reason, crazyness ensues.
I just saw a good title for a Blog...dude's was called The Blogfather. If anyone has any good, clever, smart ass, names let me know
diggin the Pilgrim love... the instant I heard the Universal midi intro I was hooked
ReplyDeleteWell I don't know what Universal Midi is...but the movie was a good time
ReplyDeleteI think he means the Universal intro in Midi format (as in sounds like the old 16-bit Mario music). Am I right?
ReplyDeleteI saw the Pilgrim trailer for the 3rd or 4th time last night at the it more each time I see it....I thin you're right though....this will be utopia for Geeks, Nerds et al. but more like drawn out painful torture for the unenlightened! It's next on my list to see.
By the way, watched SALT last night. Better than I thought(I knew next to nothing about it befroe watching it) & good concept. There were however, some glaring ommisions of continuity which I'm sure you will hate.
Interesting fact....The lead part was offered to Tom Cruise who turned it down and in turn was offered to Jolie who always wanted to play a 'Bond' style character. It was a fortunate turn of events if you have had to watch him in Knight and Day which was awful.
ok I give up with the invisibles. 1 is Barbershop, 3 is Apocalypse Now, 5 is Twister and 6 is Polar Express. I know I recognise 2 but I cant think of it! Aaaargh its killing me!
ReplyDeleteOOOOO...the Universal intro was so sick, so nostalgic. I knew i was getting some serious gaming references.
ReplyDeleteI def thought Knight and Day was gonna suck...but ill probably at some point check it out...I can't say it sucked without watching
Chris...I didn't get 3 which is bad of me
You should be ashamed of yourself!