Now for our feature presentation...
Robert Duval plays a derelict, hermit during the 1920's, who is getting ready for death. He wants to have a live funeral and with the help of the local funeral parlor he gets it done. He wants everyone who has a story about him to come and tell it.
This movie is really a charming film. It's simple. Rober Duval plays the town crazy and everyone can relate to that, because who doesn't have a town crazy person? It's got charming, comical parts, it tugs at the heart strings, it makes one think about death and life and what it means. It really surprised me how great it was. You heard it here first, look out for it being nominated for best picture in '10, and Duval getting a nod for best actor. The settings are great, filmed in Georgia, the house where Duval stays is set in the woods, but man what a beautiful set of trees. The lighting is so personal, as Duval's house is lit by gas lanterns. The shadows of the flames dance on the characters faces as we intently watch to see what it is that is really going on. The music does seem to cue you in whether or not you should be laughing or crying, but it fits.
There is a scene that doesn't have much dialogue, or action, but is so captivating. The boys who own the funeral parlor, Bill Maurry (Ghostbusters, Rushmore, Caddyshack) and Lucas Black (The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, Friday Night Lights, Jarhead) want to take Duvals picture, but he vanishes off to the barber, because he wants to get trimmed up. Well that's not what the guys want they want him to look as people know him, long scraggly grey hair, big bushy white beard, dirty looking, with a crazy look in his eye. As they get ready to take the picture, Duval puts his hands to his hair and messes it up even more. Just this little 5 min scene was so charming, that you fell in love with Duval's character. You wanted to know why he was the town crazy hermit, what did he have to hide. You want to know his story.
Robert Duval was brilliant in his performance. He portrays perfectly, that strange old person knowledge with all kinds of elder sayings, that don't seem to make sense until the proper moment. His monologue at the end is so compelling as all the build of the story comes out of this mans being, its unreal to watch. Bill Muarry's character seems out of place, as far as the time goes, his choice of words and the way he delivers them seems like he'd be more in place in a whiskey bar shooting the shit. However he did fit the comic relief quite nicely.
The movie can be seen as a little slow, but I found it was paced nicely, with screen time for characters set perfectly, with amazing shots, and little montages. Brilliant movie all around
Now for everyone's favorite game....GUESS THAT QUOTE!!! (answers edition)
1) "What do you guys want out of life?" "To die and come back as a leotard"
2) "I need your cloths, boots and your motorcycle" "You forgot to say please"Terminator 2: Judgment Day
3) "I don't want a large farva, I want a goddamn liter o cola!"Super Troopers
4) "Snakes, why'd it have to be snakes?" "Asps...very dangerous. You go first."Indiana Jones: Raiders of the Lost Ark
5) "Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? Do you think that's air you're breathing now?The Matrix
Netflix Instant Watch of the Week: Fools Rush In.
Salma Hayek...YES PLEASE! Give into this guilty little pleasure of a romcom movie

Netflix DVD of the Week: Rushmore. If you're looking for a good laugh this weekend, and who isn't, check out this little charmer of a movie. You won't be disappointed.

A little bit of movie news...
Salma Hayek...YES PLEASE! Give into this guilty little pleasure of a romcom movie

Netflix DVD of the Week: Rushmore. If you're looking for a good laugh this weekend, and who isn't, check out this little charmer of a movie. You won't be disappointed.

A little bit of movie news...
The Hobbit
Some of you may or may not know about this two part film. This movie has been through hell and back again, with director changes, producer changes, set backs on the script, on where they are gonna film. EVERYTHING. Well its getting close to a green light, very close. After all the set backs its been said that they are finally going to get a green light. Read the full article on
New Wes Anderson Film!
This weeks dvd to watch is Rushmore which is a Wes Anderson film. AND ITS AWESOME!. I haven't seen Fantastic Mr. Fox yet but trust me I'm going to. Word is out that Wes will be making another film, called Moonrise Kingdom. No word is out however what the movie about, who's in it, nothing. There is a picture you can check out on, that has him in a room with a lot of wild animals. So maybe something with a zoo? Who knows.
enjoy your weekend!
Some of you may or may not know about this two part film. This movie has been through hell and back again, with director changes, producer changes, set backs on the script, on where they are gonna film. EVERYTHING. Well its getting close to a green light, very close. After all the set backs its been said that they are finally going to get a green light. Read the full article on
New Wes Anderson Film!
This weeks dvd to watch is Rushmore which is a Wes Anderson film. AND ITS AWESOME!. I haven't seen Fantastic Mr. Fox yet but trust me I'm going to. Word is out that Wes will be making another film, called Moonrise Kingdom. No word is out however what the movie about, who's in it, nothing. There is a picture you can check out on, that has him in a room with a lot of wild animals. So maybe something with a zoo? Who knows.
enjoy your weekend!