For our movie review of:
The Town

I had a great great time at the movies with this film. I must say Ben Afflec, as a writer/director is a very talented human being, Ben Afflec as the actor isn't as talented. The acting in this movie is top notch from small roles to main roles, accept Afflec, didn't much care for him. Jeremy Renner's character, for me, stole the show. He plays such a good, rouge-type with a short fuse. I really enjoyed the performance of Rebecca Hall (The Prestige, Vicky Christina Barcelona, Frost/Nixon) who, in my eyes is absolutely GORGEOUS! She played the hostage, turned love interest. Jon Hamm (The Day the Earth Stood Still, A Single Man) plays the head FBI agent trying to stop the bandits, who is at the edge of his ropes and will do what ever it takes to bring them down. Blake Lively (The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants, Accepted) takes on a pretty serious role compared to some of her latter ones, as the drugged up, love-him-can't-have him, maybe babies-mama of Aflec. Pete Postlethwaite (Hamlet, The Last of the Mohicans, Dragon Heart) is a great character actor who usually always fly's under the radar. He plays Fergie who is an Irish head gangster type who sets up all the jobs and he steals his few mins of screentime as well.
The story is set up great so that there is a lot of anticipation, a lot of build up, and you really start to care about the characters. There was a moment in the movie where I was getting a little restless. I had heard great things and was starting to wonder where these claims came from. Well the last 35-40 mins is so fun and entertaining, the payoff is well worth the time setup to feel for these characters.The setting was unreal, as it was filmed all in Boston. I'm a huge fan of car chases in films, and there is an unbelievable one set on the tiny, narrow streets of Boston. Heart pounding happens!
The one problem I did have was when Afflec went to meet Halls character. He was set to follow her and keep and eye on her. Obviosuly this wouldn't be a movie if he didn't start to get smitten with her. While she starts to open up about what happened to her, the dialogue was kind of awkward in the way Afflec was asking questions about the robbery. Just didn't fit for me.
The film did seem similar to Heat, which seems to follow the same storyline. This is my last job, fall in love, shoot out in open city. Afflec did a great job behind the camera, and a great job at making and entertaining movie, I'm excited for his next film.
Now for everyone's favorite game....GUESS THAT QUOTE!!!
1) "What do you guys want out of life?" "To die and come back as a leotard"
2) "I need your cloths, boots and your motorcycle" "You forgot to say please"
3) "I don't want a large farva, I want a goddamn litre o cola!"
4) "Snakes, why'd it have to be snakes?" "Asps...very dangerous. You go first."
5) "Do you believe that my being stronger or faster has anything to do with my muscles in this place? Do you think that's air you're breathing now?
Netflix Instant Watch of the Week: Fools Rush In. I'm not normally a romcom kinda guy but I got a soft side for Salma Hayek and Matthew Perry. It's a rather entertaining movie, with your cliche romcom story themes and plot moments. The humor from Perry however makes it worth while, and Salma Hayek is smoking hot. YOWSERS!

A little movie news:
3-D Starwars
As the world turns, movies get put into 3-d, and so be it. I'm no advocate for 3-d but I love when 3-d is done well and adds something to the film (Avatar, How to Train Your Dragon). I don't agree with the idea that EVERYTHING HAS TO BE 3d. That's just silly. However Starwars is already and established, achieved franchise and to add 3d is just to add a bit of fun. Starting in 2012, each movie is going to be remastered for 3d theatres. Each year starting in 2012, a film will be shown, starting with The Phantom Menace and ending with Return of the Jedi. I think this will be fun seeing as I never got to see the original 3 movies on the big screen. That means I still have to wait until 2015 for that, but hey I'll get excited now. Here's the article from
Sally Menke passes away
I can't say that I knew who this women was, by name, but I did know her work. Sally Menke has been Quentin Tarantino's editor since he wrote and directed Reservoir Dogs all the way to Inglorious Basterds. Her work was done with such class and excellence. The style that QT has, I can only surmise, a lot to do with Menke working with him for so long, and learning and embracing what he was all about. Most people who know me, know I love QT. This is a sad day for film, and for QT lovers everywhere. Here's the full article on
Again thanks for all the support, as soon as the Phillies are done (which I hope is in November after they win the World Series) I'll have more time to dabble.
As the world turns, movies get put into 3-d, and so be it. I'm no advocate for 3-d but I love when 3-d is done well and adds something to the film (Avatar, How to Train Your Dragon). I don't agree with the idea that EVERYTHING HAS TO BE 3d. That's just silly. However Starwars is already and established, achieved franchise and to add 3d is just to add a bit of fun. Starting in 2012, each movie is going to be remastered for 3d theatres. Each year starting in 2012, a film will be shown, starting with The Phantom Menace and ending with Return of the Jedi. I think this will be fun seeing as I never got to see the original 3 movies on the big screen. That means I still have to wait until 2015 for that, but hey I'll get excited now. Here's the article from
Sally Menke passes away
I can't say that I knew who this women was, by name, but I did know her work. Sally Menke has been Quentin Tarantino's editor since he wrote and directed Reservoir Dogs all the way to Inglorious Basterds. Her work was done with such class and excellence. The style that QT has, I can only surmise, a lot to do with Menke working with him for so long, and learning and embracing what he was all about. Most people who know me, know I love QT. This is a sad day for film, and for QT lovers everywhere. Here's the full article on
Again thanks for all the support, as soon as the Phillies are done (which I hope is in November after they win the World Series) I'll have more time to dabble.
Still havent't seen The Town, will watch it this week. Have got a few mised reviews but to be fair our movie taste is so damn similar I'm pretty sure I'll like it.
ReplyDeleteJust watched Public Enemies for the first time. Man Johnny Depp is talented. I wish I lived in the 1920's with all the kick ass clothes and sweet cars.
I can't help feeling like Star wars being changed to 3D is gunna be an epic fail. I mean....I'm all for seing the remains of a tie fighter coming at me off the screen but I can't see it working well enought to add to the experience. Kinda-like the latest Shrek. Great film, but 3D not required/wanted.