Our movie review is
Blue Velvet
4 outa 5 stars
This movie comes from the mind of David Lynch who over his span has been known as an ingenious mastermind, or a complete psychopath. I've never seen any of his work, but I've heard so many interesting things. I'm glad I caught the middle of his work, as he has done movies before it. Such as Dune, Eraserhead and Elephantman and movies after such as Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive. Lynch was nominated for best actor for this movie in 1987 (film debuted in '86...I was one, and I'm sure I wouldn't under stand the grand scheme of things) , but the movie itself gain high regard for pushing the limits of film.
The movie is about a young man named Jeffery (Kyle MacLachlan, Striptease, The Flinstones, The Doors) Who returns home when his father becomes extremely ill. On his way home from the hospital he finds a severed human ear, which in turns drives him to want to know everything about why and how this ear came to be detached from its owner and discarded in a field. What he finds is a nasty underground of filth, debauchery and murder in his suburbian hometown.
I was aware David Lynch was known for some bizzare work, but I really had no idea what I was getting into. The opening scene can set the mood for the whole movie. The camera is staring into the sky and pans slowly down to show a white picket fence and some blooming flowers. As we watch a an old man enjoying his day in the sun, in a suburban backyard, watering the flowers, he seems to have a stroke. As we watch him struggle and rive in pain the camera pans down into the grown to see beetles crawling all over themselves. The whole movie takes the idea of the suburbs and the safety they have and turns it on its ass. There are scenes where you feel the comfort of the suburbs but in an instance you feel uncomfortable sitting in your own room.
The movie has the feeling of an old 70's horror movie, feels gritty and real, which gives that uncomfortable feeling.
This movie really pushes the boundaries of what should and could be in a movie. Dennis Hopper plays the antagonist, who is a whackado. He uses the F word in almost every sentence he mutters, he gets high on some kinda of noxious gas which he huffs out of mask and he's always got this evil gleam in his eye. He blew my mind. He steals the show. The audacity of creating this kind of a character is ballsy. Not only do I applaud Hopper for taking this character to the extreme he did but for Lynch for creating this person we can all easily hate. "Heinikin, f*ck that shit, Pabts Blue Ribbon!!!"
Isabella Rossellini (Death Death Becomes Her, Rodger Dodger) plays a lounge singing beauty who gets caught up with the wrong people, and is forced to do things with Hopper's character that will dry your eyes out because blinking won't be an option. Her portrayal of her lost, morose, nymphomaniac character is unreal, I don't know how she filmed certain films, she's a brave soul.
Regardless of the fact that Lynch may or may not be out of his mind, he works wonders with the camera. There are some beautifully shot scenes and the way he used shadows and silence, will always be better then any CG anyone can come up with. Something so simple as not using lights in the right place, and not using music was so captivating, you don't know your not breathing until the scene is over.
Like I said this movie really pushes the limits, but if you're ready to sit through an amazing thriller with some wild scenes where your jaw will be sore from staying ajar, this is a great time.

4 outa 5 stars
This movie comes from the mind of David Lynch who over his span has been known as an ingenious mastermind, or a complete psychopath. I've never seen any of his work, but I've heard so many interesting things. I'm glad I caught the middle of his work, as he has done movies before it. Such as Dune, Eraserhead and Elephantman and movies after such as Twin Peaks and Mulholland Drive. Lynch was nominated for best actor for this movie in 1987 (film debuted in '86...I was one, and I'm sure I wouldn't under stand the grand scheme of things) , but the movie itself gain high regard for pushing the limits of film.
The movie is about a young man named Jeffery (Kyle MacLachlan, Striptease, The Flinstones, The Doors) Who returns home when his father becomes extremely ill. On his way home from the hospital he finds a severed human ear, which in turns drives him to want to know everything about why and how this ear came to be detached from its owner and discarded in a field. What he finds is a nasty underground of filth, debauchery and murder in his suburbian hometown.
I was aware David Lynch was known for some bizzare work, but I really had no idea what I was getting into. The opening scene can set the mood for the whole movie. The camera is staring into the sky and pans slowly down to show a white picket fence and some blooming flowers. As we watch a an old man enjoying his day in the sun, in a suburban backyard, watering the flowers, he seems to have a stroke. As we watch him struggle and rive in pain the camera pans down into the grown to see beetles crawling all over themselves. The whole movie takes the idea of the suburbs and the safety they have and turns it on its ass. There are scenes where you feel the comfort of the suburbs but in an instance you feel uncomfortable sitting in your own room.
The movie has the feeling of an old 70's horror movie, feels gritty and real, which gives that uncomfortable feeling.
This movie really pushes the boundaries of what should and could be in a movie. Dennis Hopper plays the antagonist, who is a whackado. He uses the F word in almost every sentence he mutters, he gets high on some kinda of noxious gas which he huffs out of mask and he's always got this evil gleam in his eye. He blew my mind. He steals the show. The audacity of creating this kind of a character is ballsy. Not only do I applaud Hopper for taking this character to the extreme he did but for Lynch for creating this person we can all easily hate. "Heinikin, f*ck that shit, Pabts Blue Ribbon!!!"
Isabella Rossellini (Death Death Becomes Her, Rodger Dodger) plays a lounge singing beauty who gets caught up with the wrong people, and is forced to do things with Hopper's character that will dry your eyes out because blinking won't be an option. Her portrayal of her lost, morose, nymphomaniac character is unreal, I don't know how she filmed certain films, she's a brave soul.
Regardless of the fact that Lynch may or may not be out of his mind, he works wonders with the camera. There are some beautifully shot scenes and the way he used shadows and silence, will always be better then any CG anyone can come up with. Something so simple as not using lights in the right place, and not using music was so captivating, you don't know your not breathing until the scene is over.
Like I said this movie really pushes the limits, but if you're ready to sit through an amazing thriller with some wild scenes where your jaw will be sore from staying ajar, this is a great time.
Invisibles part duex:Answers
So I hope all of you (the 4 or 5 of you that is) really racked your brains for these, I can't get enough. Like I said before I got #'s 1, 3, 5, 6 & 8, I should have known more. But with out further ado here are your answers
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
The Hudsucker Proxy
Shakespeare in Love
Risky Business
Crimson Tide
Brick (which if you watched my first Netflix recommendation you would know this one )
Netflix Instant Watch of the Week: Bio-Dome. Everyone gave Pauly Shore crap, but he has got to be one of my favorite '90s entertainers. This is him at the top of his game. Muhchin on some grindaaaaage!.
Netflix DVD of the Week: The Kingdom. This is a high energy, middle eastern war movie. The last 45 mins of this movie will get your adrenaline pumping, and seeing as I just recently jumped out of a plane. I want my adrenaline to keep pumping.
A Little bit of movie news....








Netflix Instant Watch of the Week: Bio-Dome. Everyone gave Pauly Shore crap, but he has got to be one of my favorite '90s entertainers. This is him at the top of his game. Muhchin on some grindaaaaage!.

Netflix DVD of the Week: The Kingdom. This is a high energy, middle eastern war movie. The last 45 mins of this movie will get your adrenaline pumping, and seeing as I just recently jumped out of a plane. I want my adrenaline to keep pumping.
A Little bit of movie news....
An Academic Look at Raunchy Teen Movies
Cinemablend.com put out a great article talking about, some of our favorite raunchy teen movies. "Sex, Drugs and Homework" tells of the reoccurring themes in most teen movies and compares a few of our old favorites with some of our new favorites, like Dazed and Confused vs. Superbad and Varsity Blues vs. Mean Girls. A really great read looking at why teen highschool movies may be dead and the college is the new high school setting for raunchy teen movies. Read the whole article at http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Sex-Drugs-And-Homework-Anatomy-Of-A-Teen-Raunch-Comedy-20727.html
Joaquin Phoenix Beard and Rap Career a Hoax?
Sadly it is true. Some of you may not know but Casey Afflec, Ben Afflecs older brother put out a documentary called I'm Still Here. The doc followed Joaquin Phoenix as he tried to start his rap career. A lot of people saw this a year or so ago, as Joaquin Phoenix came out on David Letterman, seemingly whacked out on drugs, an annoucning his retirement from acting to start a rap career. Many articles have popped up saying that it indeed was all a farce. I'm kind of upset personally to find out that this was in deed a farce. Why tell everyone? I liked the whole ambiguity of the situation. Here's an article from Slashfilm.com saying that even Letterman was in on it. http://www.slashfilm.com/2010/09/18/im-still-here-david-letterman-was-in-on-it-too/
Cinemablend.com put out a great article talking about, some of our favorite raunchy teen movies. "Sex, Drugs and Homework" tells of the reoccurring themes in most teen movies and compares a few of our old favorites with some of our new favorites, like Dazed and Confused vs. Superbad and Varsity Blues vs. Mean Girls. A really great read looking at why teen highschool movies may be dead and the college is the new high school setting for raunchy teen movies. Read the whole article at http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Sex-Drugs-And-Homework-Anatomy-Of-A-Teen-Raunch-Comedy-20727.html
Joaquin Phoenix Beard and Rap Career a Hoax?
Sadly it is true. Some of you may not know but Casey Afflec, Ben Afflecs older brother put out a documentary called I'm Still Here. The doc followed Joaquin Phoenix as he tried to start his rap career. A lot of people saw this a year or so ago, as Joaquin Phoenix came out on David Letterman, seemingly whacked out on drugs, an annoucning his retirement from acting to start a rap career. Many articles have popped up saying that it indeed was all a farce. I'm kind of upset personally to find out that this was in deed a farce. Why tell everyone? I liked the whole ambiguity of the situation. Here's an article from Slashfilm.com saying that even Letterman was in on it. http://www.slashfilm.com/2010/09/18/im-still-here-david-letterman-was-in-on-it-too/
<3 Thanks to all the readers
Awwww man. I have wanted to see I'm Still Here for ages. Looked awesome. YOu just ruined it for me man! It comes out this week in the UK! godammit!
ReplyDeleteWill put Blue Velvet in my queue to watch. Sounds awesome and I love Dennis Hopper and want to watch some more of his better films to remember him how he was, not like in those pics near the end.
I've never even heard of Bio-dome or Pauly Shore. Guess he never made it across the pond.
Oh and I owned the Invisibles quiz :P. Should have got Risky Business though!
sorry to ruin it for ya mate. I'm still gonna check it out.
ReplyDeleteBlue Velvet is a staple in Hoppers filmography. I haven't seen all of his stuff, but a good amount, and this stuff is unreal. R.I.P.
U need to check out Pauly Shore, he's so stupid its amazing. Check out Bio-Dome and Son-in-Law...there are his masterpieces. I'm actually pretty sure Kate knows who he is.
Lol I'll check them out, though how kate would know about him i don't know!
ReplyDeleteYes I'm still gunna watch it but I just thought i let you know you're a ruining ruiner!